Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Good Word

Here's a verse that I discovered during my quiet time this morning. Something about it struck a chord with me and I found it very uplifting and encouraging. I have been feeling very weak and overwhelmed lately with all I have to do.

For this verse to have more meaning, you should probably know the context it was taken from. This is from 2 Chronicles during a time when the kingdoms of Judah and Israel were split apart. Jehoshaphat was king of Judah. At this time he got intelligence reports that large "hoards of barbarians" from several enemy countries had banded together and were coming quickly to attack. Jehoshaphat called for a nationwide time of fasting and praying to God. They claimed their helplessness and the need for God and proclaimed Him strong enough to take care of ANY enemy. God spoke to the people of Judah through a prophet saying that all they had to was march out and stand firm and God would fight their battle for them. As they were getting ready to go out and face their attackers, Jehoshaphat said this verse,

"Believe firmly in God and your lives will be firm - you will be made
strong. Trust in the men who speak for Him, and you will do well." (2
Chronicles 20:20b -a paraphrase take from combining The Message
and the New Living translations)

They marched out boldly, but before they even reached their enemy it says that God set up "ambushes" for their enemies and the different groups coming to attack got confused and ended up attacking each other. By the time Judah reached them they were ALL dead on the field of battle!

What an example of God fighting our battle for us! What a wonderful thing to keep in mind as we go throughout our daily struggles. There is nothing too tough or too big for God to handle. According to this verse, all we have to do is BELIEVE. Believe firmly in God. He will make us strong; he will give us success!

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