Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Yesterday, our 4-H club packed 25 kids into 6 vehicles and drove 2 1/2 hours to Purdue University. Every year our club puts together a little skit for the 4-H Share the Fun talent contest. A lot of effort and practice time is put in by both the parents and the children. It's fun and the kids learn a ton! This year, after winning the top prize at both the county and area contests, we were invited to perform at Purdue with the best of the best. It was promoted to us as this really professional experience for the kids with a professional theater, professional sound, and professional lighting, but it ended up leaving much to be desired. The kids were very professional, though, and adapted well and put on a great performance. We didn't get home until after 1:30am and I am exhausted today, but all in all, it was a good time.

1 comment:

TheCatLord said...

sounds like a fun time! so glad the kids enjoyed it!!