Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Do you ever look at all the things you do in a day and all the roles you play? In other words, how many hats you wear? I have been feeling a little overwhelmed of late. It doesn't help that I have continuous sinus headaches and need to constantly have Tylenol Allergy Sinus coursing through my veins to keep the discomfort and my grumpies under control. The headaches are due to my allergies. The mold count has been high of late and now every time it rains, the basement in this old house floods and therefore mold has taken up residence in my home, as well. So, I have not been a clear thinker lately!
During my quiet time this morning, I was thinking about my to do list and feeling tired just looking at it. I started listing out my different roles/hats. I counted 12 that I have been wearing lately! These could actually be broken down much further because each of these roles involves a multitude of duties.

(Hat graphic from Mo Jackson's Caroline kit

These hats include:
child of God
home manager
apartment manager
home designer/decorator
digital artist (volunteer work, hobby, business)

It is no wonder that my head hurts! Now, I am sure that I am not the only woman with many hats to wear. I am sure there are many out there with more! So how does one do this? Often I feel like a do many things in a mediocre way and perhaps I should focus on doing fewer things better. The thing is that during this season of my life, few of these can be eliminated. Sadly, the only ones I could give up are some of the things that give me much joy and refresh my spirit. I don't have any answers. I have a tendency to want to compartmentalize my life and separate my different roles into different parts of my schedule, but so much seems to need to happen at the same time and requires lots of multi-tasking. I know that "I can do all things though Him who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13) and I am clinging to this. I also keep in mind that "ALL things work together for good for those who love the Lord." (Romans 8:28) I am seeking God's wisdom in all this.

1 comment:

janna said...

Thanks for the uplift (the scriptures) I need it to today!

I have noticed your MO work.
I love MO's digital doo dads too!

Have a good day