Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Independence Day!!!

Here's a scrapbook page I did today celebrating the spirit of independence! The photos are from a couple months ago of my baby at the zoo discovering the joy of independence. We let her out of the wagon and she was off and didn't look back for a moment! When I took the top photo, I was thinking that it needed to be titled "Independence."

Although, it makes more work for me, I do enjoy seeing my daughter's independent spirit emerge.

Journaling reads:
On Abigail’s first trip to the zoo of the season at 16 months old - her first trip walking, she loved the adventure. She began our visit sitting contented in the wagon, but once we let her out to stretch her legs, there was no stopping her. She was truly one INDEPENDENT little lady!

All the goodies and doo dads used to create this are from my friend, Mo. The are available for free from her website, They are too cute to pass up!

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