Monday, March 03, 2008

I know I have been quiet for about a week. I guess I just had too much on my plate to organize my thoughts into writing. I had shared that I was overwhelmed last week with Patrick's allergies. I am feeling less overwhelmed. The no dairy thing is really not fun. I keep running into things that he can not have. At first I thought it was helping with his tummy aches, but by the last half of the week, he was still having some. Some appeared to be food related because they were during or right after eating and some were after he had spent a night in bed which makes you think that they have to do with inhalent allergies. We will continue on the no dairy for one more week and I will be thoroughly cleaning his room (again).

We got a good amount of beautiful, fluffy snow last week and I got some photos of the kids outside. Rachel had not really experienced playing in the snow and she loved it. The scrapbook page here is of Abi. She, too, has always loved snow. After her broken leg incident last year she has an ice phobia, but her affection for snow has not been diminished. Credits and details about the page can be found here.

I have spent the last couple of day creating a video for our church's Upward Basketball nd Cheerleading Awards Ceremony. Sadly, after many hours of work, I was unable to burn it to a disk and share it. I was working on my old computer (because that is where all of my files are) and it just doesn't have enough memory. I threw together a pitiful slideshow of some of the photos I had in Windows Movie Maker and that is what got played at the Awards night last night. When I have time this week, I will transfer the files to the new computer and finish the video up. At least I will be able to post it on the church's website. [Sigh] Computers! Ya' love em' but you hate 'em! It was a frustrating experience. When I get it done, at least I will get to share it with you all.

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