Thursday, December 29, 2005

Gray Days

Oh, winter days can be SO gray! I am amazed how dark it still looks outside even at mid morning. Days like this make me want to curl up under an afghan with a cup of tea and a good book and just forget about everything else! But life doesn't usually allow this, so I am plugging on.

Now that the busy-ness of Christmas is passing (but I do still have decorations to pack away), I am feeling like it is time to take stock in how we utilize the hours of our day. I haven't had much time to think about this for months between building, moving, and Christmas preparations. Now is the time to sit back, take a deep breath, and ask God for Wisdom. I want Him to order our days. I want to know how He needs me to teach and direct our children. I don't know why, but sometimes I can feel SO lost in this area. Perhaps that is because God desires me to turn to Him. I have to do this because I feel like I cannot do it on my own.

Do you ever feel like the days are just slipping away and you have wasted them? I look at my children and see how fast they are growing and worry that I am not making the most of the time that I have with them. There is so much for them to learn - that God has appointed me to teach them. I feel so overwhelmed and inadequate when I really think about it! So, I guess that means I need to take some time and spend it in quiet conversation with God. A time that I can ask Him these questions (oh SO many questions) and time to just "be still and know that He is God" - to listen to what He has to say.

BTW, this my lovely daughter, Anna. It was taken during our Christmas celebration with Barry's side of the family. I am not sure if it is a self-portrait or if her big sister snapped it. I'll have to ask them, but either way, I think it came out nice and really shows Anna's sweet and tender disposition.

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