Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter is HERE!

I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods, but around here winter has officially arrived. Yesterday we got a bunch of snow dumped on us and it has been blowing and drifting. We are literally up to our elbows in it! My hubby and oldest daughter have been the ones to deal with it. They trekked into town to clear our rental properties twice and Barry was worried the 4 x 4 truck was going to get stuck on some of the back roads.

Today the wind has subsided and the sun is shining. Everything looks white, fresh and beautiful!

With winter in mind, I finally completed this cozy kit called Winter Retreat that I have been working on. It reminds me of coming in from the cold and warming up under a blanket by the fire.

I also have another goodie to share. This Frame-It set is new in my store as well. It is a grouping of basics in my digital scrappin' stash that I grab quite frequently. If you have been hanging out at for blog for a while, you may remember that I offered this little set last year as a freebie. Although it is no longer free, it still is pretty cheap!

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